Tuesday 4 September 2012

Day Two- Bossin' The Before Pics

I'm as vain as the next 20 something female with white girl problems not wanting to own their wobbly bits but really, a front on, side on, full light, undies shot.... seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!

Before I uploaded my pics I thought I could be sneaky like a fox and put a filter on the pics to make me look size 8, 18 year old supermodel with a slightly olive complexion. BeFunky photo effects... where is your bloody skinny filter?!?!. You can make yourself green, or look as though you have had an orange spray tan but no skinny filter. WTF?
Here goes nuttin...

And yes, just like every other sucker, in my mind in 8 weeks time I plan to be rockin a tidy little six pack with arms like Arnie to match.
STRATEGY TIP FOR THE DAY: Laughter. Health benefits are endless including positve hormone changes, internal workout and physical release (????). Planning to embrace it today, as I'm guessing by tomorrow nothing will be funny as we head into day three with no carbs and the world indeed begins to end.
Sessions: Ashy Session
Mood status: 8.9
Death Toll: 0 Still in a state of Zen
Craving: Still nothing yet
Plumbing Status: Still good
Today's Menu (same as yesterday but skippy for dinner)

Protein Shake and supplements

Morning Tea:
Protein Shake

Chicken with chilli
Kanga Bangas

Greek Yogurt and Protein Powder.


  1. What no shoulder dancing?

    1. I see you have followed the link to babe walker. That is indeed my favourite blog!!
