Thursday 13 September 2012

Day Eleven - Hide The Sausage

By the time I finish this sentence it will be day 12. Why? Because I have already had to go to the bathroom 27 times today! And I'm not surprised. It's only 7am and I have already consumed a gallon of fluid.

  • 250ml Pre-workout supplement
  • 1L electrolyte
  • 300ml protein shake
  • 500ml metamucil
  • 300ml black coffee
Think my bladder deserves a pay rise!

Todays dilemma and ongoing in fact, potentially, in fact, definitely a white girl problem. I like to sit in a cafe at lunch time and have a cup of chinese tea. Problem is, muesli slice magically ends up on the plate every time. I have stalked other customers and I am the only one who they do it to. Day in day out I play a game called 'hide the muesli slice in my handbag' so I don't upset them. At a dinner party or lunch meeting however, pouring a bowl of pasta into your new clutch or laptop bag may not be as effective. Which begs the question is there such thing as Diet Etiquette? Does it exist? Is there a 'Dummies Guide to not look like an annoying wench at a conference/party' Please comment below if there is as I'm afraid I'm yet to find it. Really puts new meaning to the game hide the sausage though, hey!

Day 10 Stats

Sessions: OBC + the hardest, hottest bikram sesh ever!!
Mood status: pyscho. effing pyscho.
Craving: coke zero
Plumbing Status: normal


Protein Shake

Morning Tea:
Yoplait Forme Caramel Tart Yogurt

Kanga Bangas

Afternoon Tea:
Boiled eggs

Vietnamese Beef, cooked, eaten and digested in under 4 minutes!! Rush, rush, rush.

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