Sunday 23 September 2012

Day 20 - 36, The Golden Number

36 is both the square of 6 and a triangular number, making it a square triangular number. Being the smallest number with exactly 9 divisors, 36 is a highly composite number36 is the number of degrees in the interior angle of each tip of a regular pentagram. 36 is also the number of kilometres I smashed out on a run today.
It's also the % of how much is finished of this eight week challenge. I've also consumed about 36kg of protein powder and hoped 36 times a day for a 36kg weight loss.

It's also the number of times in this blog I am going to tell you how awesome it felt to finish that run. Awesome, awesome, awesome. The feeling of that annoying man in my iPod saying '36km completed".... money can't buy it. Straight into the water after the run, in my undies and not a care in the world. You're welcome Port Melbourne, sorry for scaring all the kids :)

Just a short blog today, as I'm pretty much exhausted from the run. Sorry folks.

Day 19 Stats

Sessions: Rest Day, still prepping for big Saturday Run
Mood status: Pumped, heading to the Storm final whoop whoop
Craving: wine... a dirty cheap and nasty glass of wine
Plumbing Status: few issues again, stay tuned


Rise and shine breaky shake... seriously addicted.
Morning Tea:
Protein shake
Dark Rye santa with chicken breast, spinach, onion, carrot
Part of the carb loading
Afternoon tea:
it appears I forgot my afternoon tea
OK it sounds bad but bear with me and don't be too quick to judge.
Beef Burger at Grill'd
Wholemeal roll, LEAN beef patty, egg, spinach, carrot, onion.
I had them remove the cheese, mayo AND relish. It was still CLEAN and I had my protein and carb for the morning carb load.

Yogurt with protein powder

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