Wednesday 12 September 2012

Day Ten - Who is this PYSCHO?!?!

A dedication, warning and apology to my housemate and 2 house guests.

So my rage blackouts have increased whilst on this challenge. I'm the first to admit it, I have been a pyscho. Not the crack it pyscho though. I'm the one who stores it all up and then one day you'll ask me to pass the salt and i'll EXPLODE! I spent a lot of time researching carb depletion and mood swings and its all in the science, it has to be, this just is not normal. I usually pride myself on being stress-free, always up for a joke, and very very rarely will something put me in a bad mood. But, this challenge has surfaced my inner Russell Crowe and makes me want to throw phones at people. Safe to say my tolerance levels are at ZERO! I know its not just me though, the trainers at OBC are either cranking it right up or as a wise friend said "someone stole the jam from their donut!"... still awesome session though.
 One large order of serotonin STAT!!!

Speaking of orders... that reminds me about my missing delivery... Must call Australia Post as my six pack is yet to arrive and I ordered it well over a week ago now!

Right, off to practise calming deep breathing exercises and stay away from, well, everyone! Crappy Hump Day... oh I mean 'Happy Hump Day!"

Day 8 Stats

Sessions: Rest Day
Mood status: nothing too out of the ordinary, just standard grumps
Craving: cheese and bickys... maybe a cheeky wine to wash it down.
Plumbing Status: still good.. this has surprised me a lot.


Rise and Shine Breaky Shake... seeing as this is a dedication to my housemates I should make mention of how I attempted to be considerate with the blender by making this as the VERY last thing as I left the house as not to wake anyone.

Morning Tea:

Roast Beef

Afternoon Tea:
Boiled eggs... first ones for the challenge, not bad at all

Kanga Bangas... finally found the plain ones!! Drove a mile to get them though!

Greek Yogurt with Protein Powder .... Oh yeah, the 'sold out stuff'

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