Monday 3 September 2012

Day One- Wherefore art thou six pack?

Woke up this morning still feeling pregnant with The Dumpling Kings baby after my death row dinner. I didn't count exactly how many dumplings I ate but 20,000 would be a fair estimate. Oh and don't forget the Corona's to match.

I'm yet to take those dreaded before photos... one more day of believing that I will look like Miranda Kerr isn't going to hurt anyone. Reality is going to be a bitch.

STRATEGY TIP FOR THE DAY:In the midst of rockin' a carb hangover this morning, it was brought to my attention that stress makes you gain weight!! I have now given myself permission to pop a cap in the ass of anyone who gives me the shytes over the next 8 weeks. Shots likely to be fired from Day 3 onwards.

Today's Menu:

Protein Shake and my science lab of supplements everything from Krill Oil to capsules to keep the plumbing in order (but that's an entire entry on its own).

Morning Tea:
Protein Shake

Chicken with enough chilli to burn a hole in the ozone layer.
Black coffee and laugh fest with the wonderful Mr Furniss... just keeping those stress levels down.


Greek Yogurt and Protein Powder. In an unfortunate error of both panic buying and alzheimers I now have 2.5kg of Greek Yogurt in the house.

Sessions: OBC + Netball
Mood status: 9
Death Toll: 0 (will likely rise with lowering of mood status)
Craving: Nothing really
Plumbing Status: Positive

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