Friday 14 September 2012

Day Twelve - Channeling Mr T... 'like a boss'

Stella got her groove back and so have I! FINALLY! For nearly two weeks I have been moping around like a miserable teething toddler with a seriously wet nappy. I jumped into bed last night as an 80 year old woman wearing flannelette pj's and incontinence pants with my dentures by my bed, yet woke up as a 15 year old hormone ball, skulled a bottle of red cordial, snorted a line of whizz fizz and rocked out a game face like no other.. I gotta tell ya, it feels GOOOOOOD! I owned my workout today and was channeling Mr T like nobodies business.

Oh and seeing as you mentioned it... yes I did do 250 push-ups on my toes this morning... BOOM!!! Am I going to have a horrific energy crash this afternoon and have to sleep under my desk?? 

Time to ditch Michael Bubblè and his whiney mate Norah Jones and pump the P Diddy, inspired by Gunny up north. No more licking bakery windows, time to walk past now, swagger switched on and flip the bird. Bring it Friday, BRING IT!!!! I'm back, wearing my lucky undies, look out world, it's on for young and old.

Day 11 Stats

Sessions: 8km Morning Run
Mood status: really, really exhausted
Craving: nothing from memory
Plumbing Status: all good


Protein Shake

Morning Tea:
Protein shake on the go

Sashimi mmmmmmm

Afternoon Tea:
Protein shake... can i just defend my massive protein shake day by saying I didn't bring any food to work and have protein powder on my desk, fairs fair.

Extra super duper lean chicken sausages

Yogurt and choc protein powder. Seesh! Protein monster today!

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