Saturday 15 September 2012

Day Thirteen- CONFESSION...I cheetah'd

Today I did something that I'm not proud of and it's a little bit gross. Desperation came to an all time low when I opened the third drawer in the kitchen. Quick-Eze. Now before you judge, question or become horrendously confused let me walk you through first, what exactly quick-eze is and secondly how I came to eating one. Quick-eze is a mint flavoured chew that stops heartburn. If you're not exactly sure what it is, get up tomorrow at the crack of dawn and go to a bakery and scoff 6 freshly baked croissants or doughnuts... I think that should do it, well would for me. ANYWAY, so back to the third drawer. 

  1. Open the third drawer for the glad wrap.
  2. See Quick-Eze chews
  3. Brain says "OOOO minty"
  4. Open quick-eze, eats it
  5. Hmmmm... not exactly minty but close enough, and if anyone says its cheating "I had heartburn"
  6. WTF? WTF? WTF?
So not only did I cheat from the 8 week challenge today, but with a freaking QUICK-EZE... WTF? There is chocolate in the house but I am swayed by a QUICK-EZE? Seriously???? Not only do I now have to cope with the SHAME of cheating with a quick-eze but what's worse is I WENT BACK FOR MORE!!!! Only one more, but seriously WTF, i. went. back. Think it was my 'biggest loser moment'. Some people talk about ordering two drinks at maccas so the person serving them thinks they are ordering for two. My biggest loser story is quick-eze. Oh the shame!!!!

So I am officially a cheater, but you can just refer to me as a cheetah, makes me feel fast and sneaky. Oh and look on the bright side, no heartburn.

Day 12 Stats

Sessions: Ashy Session.... 250 push-ups on my toes.. just in case you missed yesterdays blog... BANG!!!
Mood status: Amazing, on top of the world!!!
Craving: can't remember... scrambled egg brain
Plumbing Status: all good


Protein Shake

Morning Tea:
Protein shake 

Chicken Sausages

Afternoon Tea:
Boiled Eggs, cooked to perfection.. this RARELY happens for me!

Vietnamese chicken, delish!

Yogurt and choc protein powder.

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