Monday 24 September 2012

Day Twenty2 - PB's + Pushup Perfection

There is nothing quite like seeing an improvement when you are training for something. Be it a donut eating competition, an olympic sport or simply how quickly you can get from bed to car and ready for work in the morning.  Today, I rocked out a PB at bootcamp benchmark testing. When you have been training so hard and eating the equivalent of a large animal farm each week it feels FANTASTIC to see the improvement. The early nights, early mornings and craptastic food is really starting to feel worth it. Dragging oneself out of bed at 5am, messed up hair and pal meaty bite breath to run around like a headless chook is starting to pay off. Talk to me about scales and measuring tapes all you like but when your body starts showing you some lovin' in return it makes me grin like a cheshire cat with a fresh kitty litter tray.

Back to it today, reset, week 4... show me what you got! New week, new daily challenge. Adding what will be known as the 50/50 challenge. 50 pushups, 50 sit ups, everyday for the rest of the challenge. A few buddies from OBC will be joining me. Doing it for a few reasons. Obviously to chisel away at the abs and also to perfect my push up technique. Currently I'm transitioning to my toes so look like a bit of a nuff nuff. Might try initially doing 10 sets of 5 push ups so the technique is al perfecto!

Bring the noise WEEK FOUR! I'm ready for whatever you've got to throw at me! Social functions? Pfft. Mood Swings? Try me. "AINT NO STOPPING ME".... just like KJ-52 

Day 21 Stats

Sessions: Rest day after 36km run yesterday. Did I mention that I ran 36km yesterday? Yes, yesterday, 36km.
Mood status: A little bit evil after my cafe run in from yesterday, made me laugh though... see yesterdays blog if you need clarification
Craving: nothing
Plumbing Status: :(


2 eggs and salmon, no toast

50g Ham + protein shake

Chicken Stir fry

On reflection, I really didn't eat enough this day... I have completely lost my appetite so need to be mindful of still getting food in and the body doesn't seem to be giving me the 'I'm hungry' heads up.

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