Friday 21 September 2012

Day Nineteen- What's Latin for BRING IT?!

Friday marks the official end of the working week, the door opens to an action packed weekend but calls for the TGIF rituals.. 'Friday Night' in Latin roughly translates to 'go immediately home, rock out your tracksuit pants, glue a mammoth glass of wine to your hand, eat food from boxes and passout on the couch watching crap tv.' I know what you're thinking....but please, fellas, fellas, don't fight, take a number, join the que. If that doesn't scream sexy, Ok, you're right, that DOES NOT even whisper sexy. But see, that's the thing, I don't care, I love that ritual. The 8wc has robbed me of the pleasure and tonight, I didn't even mind.

Like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, I took myself off to a sporting match where the smell of cheap wine in plastic cups and deep fried buckets of happiness were almost too irresistible. If it wasn't for my bootcamp buddies I would have caved tonight for sure. What initially began as jealousy of the overindulgers all around me, soon turned to patting myself on the back for my self control. Being put off by the extremely obese man sitting two seats down with 'McDonalds' tattooed down his arm helped too, I'll be honest. Sorry but even if that is your surname, if you are that big one would question why you would have that tattooed on you! or maybe it came free with his 1000th big mac?

So I have left the game inspired; as I type this quite delusional at 11pm on the eve of a 36km run I have decided this:

As of Monday, Day 22, I will do 50 push ups and 50 sit-ups before leaving the house each day until the rest of the challenge. Probably means I will get up 10 minutes earlier. Not a lot of time but means at the end of the 5 weeks of doing this I will have done 1750 additional push ups and sit-ups. 

I'm sure that will get the 6 pack order wriggling along. So, who's with me??? Who can I be accountable to and who wants a hard dose of accountability in return?  'Comment below' oh and BRING a boss!!!

Day 18 Stats

Sessions: Rest day, tapering for 36km run on Saturday
Mood status: Relaxed after massage
Craving: veggies mmmmm
Plumbing Status: all good


Rise and shine Shake

Morning Tea:
Protein shake 


Afternoon Tea:

steak and vegies. I only ended up eating the veggies though, couldn't bring myself to touch the steak!

Yogurt and choc protein powder.

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