Monday 8 October 2012

Day 32- Running like the Gingerbread Man


This morning I went out for a solo run. The first 5km I was on fire, running like a pro, feeling amazing even broke my 5km record time, look out Steve Mon-spaghetti... Then I hit a hill and the mind demons kicked in. Once the mind demons get going its hard to stop.
  • It's too hot to be running
  • I should walk until I catch my breath
  • I'm so thirsty, my legs hurt
  • Someone carry me
  • Winge, winge, winge
In trying to fly-kick the demons I started thinking about our little bootcamp team. Then it STOPPED and the positive thoughts started flowing in. I thought how inspired I was by my 8 week challenge buddies who are all kicking butt and motivating me every. single. day. Probably not even realising. I thought what great positive people I have in my life. How lucky I am to find this equally crazy group  who push and encourage me and have such an uplifting influence in my life. Then out came the massive bicep and the patting on the back began.

My first goal when I started bootcamp all those many moons ago was to run 1.6km, the fitness test, which I could not do. Actually, let's be honest my first ever goal sheet was filled in by my best friend. it read:
  1. eat three hotdogs back to back and
  2. do something that I wont say to someone who shall remain nameless.
Needless to say I never submitted that sheet.

But I just couldn't beleive that today I was beating myself up on that damn hill about 7km into it.  Now my goals are marathons, triathlons, tough mudder, 100km walks. What an improvement. But again, it's all credit to the people around me. Who make it FUN to get out of bed at 5:25am and run around like a headless chook.

And now that the heart rate has slowed down and I wiped away my sweat moustache it has CLICKED. One of my holistic approaches to this challenge has been transcendental meditation. And it's working!! Long story short, it teaches you to be happy without material things in your life. I try twice a day to be still for 20 mins and meditate. I'm so content with life and I think this has had a huge infulence on this. Don't worry though, I'm sure this hippy faze will wear off shortly and I'll be back to direct depositing my salary into Westfield and being about as material as Spotlight.

Happy Thursday Friends!

Oh and a quick stats summary. For those of you who are interested. My plumbing is officially on strike.

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