Friday 2 November 2012

End of Chapter....Start of an Era

Warning: SOME PEOPLE MAY FIND THE FOLLOWING CONTENT OFFENSIVE DUE TO LARGE SWEEPING STATEMENTS AND SH!TLOADS OF CLICHÉ DRIBBLE  problem is, it’s the truth, can’t change it- get a bucket or a box of tissues- you’ve been warned.
OK OK, get the pics done and dusted...

What a ride it has been. 8 whole weeks and only a few slipups- quick-eze fetish and the time when I tripped over and pizza fell in my mouth. To say the journey has been a rollercoaster would be pretty spot on. There were times of tantrums, wanting to give up and go pash on with a box of favourites but mostly just lots of punching air moments.

The eight week challenge was for me about weight loss, I wanted to loose 10kg to make running the marathon easier. Simple. I achieved it, but for some reason, I’m not even that impressed. You see, the benefits outside the physical changes have FAR outweighed the 10kg of donuts and tim tams I lost during that 8 weeks. I’m kind of kicking myself in the ass though for not doing this earlier- I’m hoping it’s not temporary and acknowledging the cliché when I say it has changed my life.

A few changes to hopefully last a lifetime

Not a night goes by now when I don’t meditate before bed. On a whole my road rage has reduced significantly and I look forward to going to bed for the enjoyment of sitting quietly. 8 weeks ago I would have told you this was a load of rubbish, now I’m one hairy armpit away from buying a comby van.

Set them. Share them. Work towards them. I will ALWAYS have goals now-has kept me focused.

This was such a hard paragraph to write. I’m a bit speechless really, in awe and very proud. I have this team of people who hit out the challenge at the same time. The most supportive, encouraging, salt of the earth LEGENDS. At every step of the way I knew I could turn to them and ask a question

“Does anyone else have green poo, a sweet taste in their mouth, raging hormones, sore arms, a rumbling belly, constipation”

“Can I eat chocolate, chilli powder, spinach leaves, sugar free lollies etc etc”

“How do I” “When can I” “Should I be”

They were there to genuinely celebrate the wins and pushed me through the tough times. This initially was often. They sat on my shoulder with a ‘stern face and voice’ when I wanted to crack and if I did, got me right back on track. Each person played a very special role. As I never wanted to identify anyone on this blog I wont change that now but I really hope that one day I can do for you all what you did for me. Thank-you team for being amazing, reassuring, the nazi’s when I needed it and for all the LOVEFESTS (no, not that kind of lovefest). Thank-you for celebrating my wins, for INSPIRING me with your transformations. You have all done soooo incredibly well- proud proud proud. Thank-you, thank-you, thankyou.

I have amazing friends already but these people were on the same page, with similar goals and heading in the same direction. Could not have done it without them.

Someone turned to me at bootcamp this morning and said “I want to be like you”…. 6 words probably said off the cuff. When it comes to compliments though, that one blew me away.

Goals before the 8 week challenge

10kg weight loss
run a marathon
make it to ‘Delta’ at bootcamp

Tick, tick and tick. Could not be happier. Seriously.

While I didn’t end up with quite the 6 pack I wanted, all the other bonuses that came along in the 8 weeks far outweighed it.

End of a chapter but start of an era.

Peace out,

The Gladiator Apprentice xx

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